How to Take Off Acrylic Nails with Oil and Water

Acrylic NailsSource:


Acrylic nails have gained immense popularity due to their durability and versatility. However, there comes a time when you need to remove them, either to give your natural nails a break or to try out a new style. Although there are various methods to remove acrylic nails, using oil and water is a gentle and effective way that doesn’t damage your natural nails. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of taking off acrylic nails with oil and water.

Materials you will need

Nail Polish RemoverSource:

Before you begin, gather the following materials:

  1. Cotton balls or pads
  2. Nail polish remover (preferably acetone-based)
  3. Warm water
  4. Olive oil or cuticle oil
  5. A bowl or basin
  6. Orange stick or cuticle pusher
  7. Nail file and buffer
  8. Moisturizer

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Prepare your workspace


Start by setting up a clean and well-lit workspace. Make sure you have enough space to comfortably work on your nails.

Step 2: File the acrylic nails

Nail FileSource:

Using a nail file, gently file the surface of the acrylic nails. This helps to break the seal and allows the oil and water to penetrate the acrylic more easily.

Step 3: Protect your skin

Petroleum JellySource:

To protect your skin from the drying effects of acetone, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly around your nails. This acts as a barrier and prevents your skin from becoming irritated.

Step 4: Soak your nails in warm water

Water DropletsSource:

Fill a bowl or basin with warm water and soak your nails for 10-15 minutes. The warm water helps to soften the acrylic, making it easier to remove.

Step 5: Apply oil on the cuticles

Olive OilSource:

While your nails are still soaking, apply a generous amount of olive oil or cuticle oil on your cuticles. This helps to moisturize and protect your natural nails from drying out during the removal process.

Step 6: Gently remove the acrylic nails

Orange StickSource:

Once the acrylic nails have softened, use an orange stick or cuticle pusher to gently lift the edges of the acrylic. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this can damage your natural nails.

Step 7: Repeat the process

If the acrylic nails are not easily coming off, you may need to repeat steps 4 to 6. Soak your nails again in warm water and apply more oil on the cuticles. Patience is key, as rushing the process can lead to nail damage.

Step 8: Remove any residue

Nail BufferSource:

After removing the acrylic nails, you may notice some residue left behind. Use a nail buffer to gently buff away any remaining acrylic. Be gentle to avoid thinning your natural nails.

Step 9: Moisturize your nails


Apply a moisturizer or cuticle oil to nourish your natural nails and cuticles. This helps to restore moisture and prevent them from becoming dry and brittle.

Tips and Precautions

1. Use an acetone-based nail polish remover


Using an acetone-based nail polish remover is more effective in removing acrylic nails compared to non-acetone alternatives. However, be cautious as acetone can be drying to your skin and nails, so it’s important to moisturize afterwards.

2. Avoid forcefully pulling off the acrylic nails

Forcing or pulling off the acrylic nails can cause damage to your natural nails. Patience and gentle techniques are key to preventing nail breakage or thinning.

3. Take breaks between removal sessions

It’s important to give your natural nails time to breathe and recover between acrylic nail applications. Avoid immediately applying new acrylics after removing the old ones.

4. Consult a professional if unsure

If you are unsure about removing acrylic nails on your own or if you encounter any difficulties during the process, it’s best to seek help from a professional nail technician. They can ensure a safe and proper removal.


Removing acrylic nails with oil and water is a gentle and effective method that allows you to maintain the health and strength of your natural nails. By following the step-by-step guide and taking necessary precautions, you can safely achieve beautiful, acrylic-free nails. Remember to always moisturize and care for your nails after removal to keep them in optimal condition.