How to Remove Acrylic Nails Faster

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Acrylic nails can be a great way to enhance your natural nails and achieve a beautiful, long-lasting manicure. However, there may come a time when you want to remove them, whether it’s because they have grown out or you simply want to give your natural nails a break. In this article, we will discuss effective methods to remove acrylic nails faster, so you can achieve the desired results without causing any damage to your natural nails.

1. Soak in Acetone


One of the most common methods to remove acrylic nails is by soaking them in acetone. Acetone is a powerful solvent that can break down the acrylic material, making it easier to remove. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start by filing the top layer of the acrylic nails to remove the shiny finish.
  2. Next, pour acetone into a bowl and place it in a larger bowl filled with warm water. This will create a warm water bath to speed up the process.
  3. Dip your fingertips into the acetone, ensuring that the nails are fully submerged. You can use cotton balls or foil wraps soaked in acetone to cover the nails if you prefer.
  4. Leave your nails in the acetone bath for about 20-30 minutes. You may need to gently scrape off the softened acrylic using a cuticle pusher or orangewood stick.
  5. Once the acrylic nails have been fully removed, wash your hands with soap and water to remove any residue.

2. Use Nail Polish Remover

Nail Polish RemoverSource:

If you don’t have acetone on hand, you can also try using nail polish remover to remove acrylic nails. While it may not be as effective as acetone, it can still help soften the acrylic for easier removal. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start by filing the top layer of the acrylic nails to remove the shine.
  2. Next, soak a cotton ball or pad in nail polish remover. Make sure it is saturated but not dripping.
  3. Place the soaked cotton ball or pad on top of your nail and wrap it with aluminum foil or a nail wrap to hold it in place.
  4. Repeat this process for all your nails and let them soak for about 20-30 minutes.
  5. After the soaking time, gently push the softened acrylic off your nails using a cuticle pusher or orangewood stick.
  6. Finally, wash your hands with soap and water to remove any residue.

3. Try the Dental Floss Method

Dental FlossSource:

If you prefer a non-chemical method or do not have acetone or nail polish remover, the dental floss method can be a great alternative. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start by filing the top layer of the acrylic nails to remove the shiny finish.
  2. Take a piece of dental floss and gently slide it under the edge of the acrylic nail, near the cuticle.
  3. Use a back and forth motion to work the dental floss further under the nail. This will help lift the acrylic off the nail bed.
  4. Continue working the dental floss until the entire nail pops off.
  5. Repeat this process for all your nails.
  6. Once the acrylic nails have been removed, wash your hands with soap and water to remove any residue.

4. Seek Professional Help

Nail SalonSource:

If you are unsure or uncomfortable with removing acrylic nails yourself, it is always best to seek professional help. Nail salons have experienced technicians who can safely remove your acrylic nails without causing any damage to your natural nails. They have specialized tools and techniques to make the process quick and efficient.


Removing acrylic nails can be done safely and efficiently using various methods. Whether you choose to soak them in acetone, use nail polish remover, try the dental floss method, or visit a nail salon, it’s important to be gentle and patient throughout the process to avoid damaging your natural nails. Remember to take good care of your nails after removing acrylics by keeping them moisturized and applying a strengthening nail polish. With the right approach, you can have healthy, beautiful nails in no time!