How to Remove Acrylic Nails with Monomer

Acrylic NailsSource:

Acrylic nails are a popular choice for those who want to have long and beautiful nails. However, there may come a time when you want to remove them, whether it’s because they have grown out or you simply want to try a different style. While it’s always best to visit a professional nail technician for safe removal, you can also remove acrylic nails at home using monomer. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of removing acrylic nails with monomer, ensuring that you do it safely and effectively.

What You Will Need

Nail Polish RemoverSource:

Before you begin, gather the following supplies:

  • Acetone or nail polish remover
  • Monomer
  • Cotton balls or pads
  • Aluminum foil
  • Cuticle pusher or orangewood stick
  • Nail file
  • Nail buffer
  • Moisturizing lotion or cuticle oil

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

Nail SalonSource:

Find a well-ventilated area with good lighting and set up your workspace. Place a towel or some paper towels on the table to protect it from any spills or acetone drips.

Step 2: File the Acrylic Nails

Nail FileSource:

Using a nail file, gently file the surface of the acrylic nails. This will break the seal and allow the acetone or nail polish remover to penetrate the layers more easily.

Step 3: Soak Cotton Balls in Acetone


Take a few cotton balls or pads and saturate them with acetone or nail polish remover. Make sure they are wet but not dripping.

Step 4: Apply Cotton Balls to Nails

Cotton BallsSource:

Place the soaked cotton balls on top of each nail, ensuring that the entire nail surface is covered. You can secure them in place by wrapping aluminum foil around your fingertips, securing the cotton balls in place.

Step 5: Let the Acrylic Nails Soak


Leave the cotton balls and aluminum foil wraps on for approximately 10-15 minutes. This will give the acetone or nail polish remover enough time to penetrate the acrylic nails and dissolve the adhesive.

Step 6: Remove the Aluminum Foil and Cotton Balls


Carefully remove the aluminum foil wraps and cotton balls from your fingertips. Gently wipe away any remaining acrylic residue or softened nails with a cotton pad or ball.

Step 7: Gently Push the Acrylic Nails

Cuticle PusherSource:

Using a cuticle pusher or orangewood stick, gently push the acrylic nails from the cuticle area towards the tip of your nails. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or force, as this can cause damage to your natural nails.

Step 8: File and Buff Your Nails

Nail BufferSource:

Once the acrylic nails are removed, use a nail file to shape and smooth out any rough edges. Then, use a nail buffer to gently buff the surface of your natural nails. This will help to remove any remaining residue and create a smooth base for your next manicure.

Step 9: Moisturize and Nourish Your Nails


After removing acrylic nails, it’s essential to moisturize and nourish your nails. Apply a generous amount of moisturizing lotion or cuticle oil to hydrate and replenish your nails and cuticles. Massage the lotion or oil into your nails and cuticles for a few minutes to promote healthy nail growth.

Step 10: Take a Break


It’s important to give your natural nails a break from acrylics to allow them to breathe and recover. Avoid immediately applying new acrylic nails or any other type of artificial nails. Let your natural nails grow and strengthen before considering another manicure.


Removing acrylic nails with monomer is a straightforward process when done correctly. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can safely and effectively remove your acrylic nails at home. Remember to be gentle and patient throughout the process to avoid any damage to your natural nails. Take the time to care for your nails after removal to promote healthy growth. If you have any concerns or difficulties, it’s always best to consult a professional nail technician for assistance. Enjoy your natural nails and experiment with different styles!