How to Remove Acrylic Nails When Real Nail is Broken

Acrylic NailsSource:

Acrylic nails have become a popular trend in the world of beauty, offering individuals the chance to have long and glamorous nails. However, accidents happen, and sometimes the real nail underneath the acrylic may get broken. In such cases, it is important to know how to safely remove the acrylic nails without causing further damage or discomfort. This article will guide you through the process of removing acrylic nails when your real nail is broken.

1. Assess the Damage

Assess The DamageSource:

The first step in removing acrylic nails when your real nail is broken is to assess the extent of the damage. Carefully examine your nail to determine if it is a minor break or a more severe injury. If you suspect a severe injury, it is recommended to seek professional medical help to avoid any complications.

2. Gather the Necessary Supplies

Necessary SuppliesSource:

Before you start the removal process, gather all the supplies you will need. This includes acetone, a nail buffer, a nail file, cotton balls, aluminum foil, a cuticle pusher, and a moisturizing nail oil. Having all these items ready will ensure a smooth and efficient removal process.

3. Trim the Acrylic Nails

Trim The Acrylic NailsSource:

If your acrylic nails are excessively long, trim them down to a manageable length. Use nail clippers or a nail file to carefully shorten the nails. Be cautious not to exert too much pressure on the broken nail, as it may cause additional discomfort or damage.

4. File the Surface of the Acrylic

File The Surface Of The AcrylicSource:

Using a nail file, gently file the surface of the acrylic nails. This step helps to break the seal and roughen the surface, allowing the acetone to penetrate and dissolve the adhesive holding the acrylic nails in place.

5. Protect the Skin and Surrounding Area

Protect The Skin And Surrounding AreaSource:

Acetone can be drying to the skin, so it’s essential to protect your fingers and the surrounding area from its effects. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or cuticle oil to the skin around your nails. This will act as a barrier, preventing the acetone from drying out your skin.

6. Soak the Cotton Balls in Acetone

Soak The Cotton Balls In AcetoneSource:

Take a few cotton balls and saturate them with acetone. Ensure that the cotton balls are fully soaked but not dripping. The acetone will help to break down the adhesive bond between the acrylic nails and your natural nails, making it easier to remove them.

7. Apply the Acetone-Soaked Cotton Balls

Apply The Acetone-Soaked Cotton BallsSource:

Place the acetone-soaked cotton balls on top of each nail, ensuring that the cotton fully covers the acrylic nails. To keep the cotton balls in place, wrap small pieces of aluminum foil around your fingertips, securing them tightly but not too tight to cut off circulation. The foil will create a barrier, preventing the acetone from evaporating too quickly.

8. Wait for the Acetone to Work

Wait For The Acetone To WorkSource:

Allow the acetone-soaked cotton balls to sit on your nails for about 15 to 20 minutes. This waiting period is crucial to ensure that the acetone has enough time to break down the adhesive bond between the acrylic nails and your natural nails. You can use this time to relax and pamper yourself.

9. Gently Remove the Acrylic Nails

Gently Remove The Acrylic NailsSource:

After the waiting period is over, gently remove the aluminum foil and cotton balls from your nails. Gently push the acrylic nails using a cuticle pusher or an orange stick. If the acrylic nails do not come off easily, do not force them as it may cause further damage to your natural nails. Repeat the soaking process for a few more minutes and try again.

10. Buff and Shape Your Nails

Buff And Shape Your NailsSource:

Once you have successfully removed all the acrylic nails, it’s time to give your natural nails some TLC. Use a nail buffer to gently buff the surface of your nails, smoothing out any roughness or unevenness. Shape your nails using a nail file to achieve your desired length and shape.

11. Apply Moisturizing Nail Oil

Apply Moisturizing Nail OilSource:

Your nails may be dry and brittle after the removal process, so it’s crucial to replenish moisture. Apply a generous amount of moisturizing nail oil to your nails and cuticles. Massage it in gently to promote blood circulation and nourishment, helping your nails to regain their strength and health.

12. Take a Break from Acrylic Nails

Take A Break From Acrylic NailsSource:

After removing acrylic nails, it’s essential to let your natural nails breathe and recover. Give your nails a break from acrylics for at least a few weeks to allow them to regain their strength and grow out. During this time, focus on maintaining good nail hygiene and nourishing your nails.


Removing acrylic nails when your real nail is broken requires patience and care. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can safely remove acrylic nails without causing further damage to your natural nails. Remember to assess the damage, gather the necessary supplies, trim and file the acrylic nails, protect your skin, soak the cotton balls in acetone, wait for the acetone to work, gently remove the acrylic nails, buff and shape your nails, apply moisturizing nail oil, and take a break from acrylic nails. With a little time and effort, your natural nails will be on the road to recovery.