How to Remove Acrylic Nails Without 100% Acetone

Acrylic NailsSource:


Acrylic nails have become a popular trend in the world of fashion and beauty. They provide individuals with an opportunity to enhance the appearance of their natural nails, but they can be quite challenging to remove. While acetone is commonly used to remove acrylic nails, not everyone has access to 100% acetone or may prefer to use alternative methods. In this article, we will explore different ways to remove acrylic nails without the need for 100% acetone.

1. Soaking in Warm Water

Warm WaterSource:

One of the simplest and most accessible methods for removing acrylic nails is by soaking them in warm water. Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of mild soap or shampoo. Soak your nails in the mixture for about 20 minutes.

This process helps to soften the acrylic nails, making them easier to remove. After soaking, gently pry the edges of the nails with a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Gradually work your way around the entire nail until the acrylic comes off. Be patient and avoid using excessive force to prevent damage to your natural nails.

2. Dental Floss or Dental Tape

Dental FlossSource:

Dental floss or dental tape can also be used to remove acrylic nails without acetone. Cut a long piece of dental floss or dental tape and slide it under the corner of the acrylic nail. Gently work it back and forth in a sawing motion to loosen the bond. Repeat this process for each nail until the acrylic nails are completely removed.

This method requires caution and patience to avoid damaging your natural nails. If the dental floss or tape gets stuck, try using a different angle or sliding it from a different direction.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut OilSource:

Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing properties, but it can also help in the removal of acrylic nails. Start by warming up some coconut oil in a microwave or by rubbing it between your palms until it melts. Apply the melted coconut oil to the edges of the acrylic nails and let it sit for about 15 minutes.

The coconut oil helps to break down the adhesive used to attach the acrylic nails. After 15 minutes, gently push the acrylic nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Take your time and be patient, as forcing the nails off may cause damage. Repeat the process as needed until all the nails are removed.

4. Nail File

Nail FileSource:

If you don’t have access to acetone or other products, a nail file can be used to remove acrylic nails. Start by filing off the top layer of the acrylic nail to reduce its thickness. Be careful not to file too deep as it can damage your natural nails.

Once the top layer is filed down, use a buffer to smooth the surface of the nail. This will help to further thin out the acrylic, making it easier to remove. Gently pry the edges of the nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick, and gradually work your way around the nail until it comes off. Remember to be patient and avoid applying excessive force.

5. Soaking in Nail Polish Remover

Nail Polish RemoverSource:

If you have nail polish remover at home, you can use it as an alternative to acetone. Look for a nail polish remover that contains acetone, as it will be more effective in removing acrylic nails. Fill a small bowl with the nail polish remover and soak your nails for about 15-20 minutes.

After soaking, gently pry the edges of the acrylic nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Gradually work your way around the entire nail until the acrylic comes off. Take your time and be patient to avoid damaging your natural nails.

6. Olive Oil

Olive OilSource:

Olive oil is another household item that can be used for removing acrylic nails without acetone. Start by warming up some olive oil in a microwave or by rubbing it between your palms. Apply the warm olive oil to the edges of the acrylic nails and let it sit for about 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, gently push the acrylic nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Take your time and be patient, as forcing the nails off may cause damage. If the nails don’t come off easily, repeat the process or try combining olive oil with other methods mentioned in this article.

7. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen PeroxideSource:

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as an alternative to acetone for removing acrylic nails. Start by pouring some hydrogen peroxide into a small bowl. Soak your nails in the hydrogen peroxide for about 15-20 minutes.

After soaking, gently pry the edges of the acrylic nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Gradually work your way around the entire nail until the acrylic comes off. Take your time and be patient, as forcing the nails off may cause damage. Rinse your hands thoroughly with water after the process to remove any remaining hydrogen peroxide.

8. Alcohol


If you have rubbing alcohol or any type of alcohol at home, it can be used to remove acrylic nails. Soak a cotton ball or pad in alcohol and place it on top of your nails. Secure it with aluminum foil or nail clips to keep it in place.

Let the alcohol-soaked cotton ball or pad sit on your nails for about 20 minutes. This will help to break down the adhesive used to attach the acrylic nails. After 20 minutes, gently pry the edges of the nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Gradually work your way around the nail until it comes off. Be patient and avoid using excessive force.

9. Acetone-Free Nail Polish Remover

Nail Polish RemoverSource:

If you don’t have access to 100% acetone, you can try using an acetone-free nail polish remover. While it may not be as effective as pure acetone, it can still help in removing acrylic nails. Look for a nail polish remover that is labeled as acetone-free.

Soak your nails in the acetone-free nail polish remover for about 20 minutes. After soaking, gently pry the edges of the acrylic nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Gradually work your way around the entire nail until the acrylic comes off. Be patient and avoid using excessive force.

10. Wrapping with Foil

Aluminium FoilSource:

Wrapping your nails with foil is another method that can be used to remove acrylic nails. Start by cutting small pieces of aluminum foil that are large enough to cover your nails. Soak a cotton ball or pad in acetone or any of the alternative solutions mentioned previously.

Place the soaked cotton ball or pad on top of your nails and wrap each nail with a piece of aluminum foil. Make sure the foil is secure but not too tight. Leave the foil wraps on for about 20-30 minutes to allow the solution to break down the adhesive.

After the designated time, remove the foils and gently pry the edges of the acrylic nails using a cuticle pusher or a wooden stick. Gradually work your way around the nail until it comes off. Be patient and avoid using excessive force.


Removing acrylic nails without 100% acetone is possible with various alternative methods. Soaking in warm water, using dental floss or dental tape, applying coconut oil or olive oil, filing with a nail file, soaking in nail polish remover, using hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, and wrapping with foil are all effective techniques. It is essential to be patient and gentle during the removal process to avoid damaging your natural nails.

Remember, while these methods can be helpful, it isimportant to take proper care of your nails and give them time to recover after removing acrylic nails. Moisturize your nails and cuticles regularly, and avoid applying new acrylic nails immediately to allow your natural nails to breathe and regain strength.

Always remember to prioritize the health and well-being of your nails. If you are unsure or uncomfortable with removing acrylic nails yourself, it is recommended to seek professional assistance from a nail technician or a salon.

By following these alternative methods, you can safely remove your acrylic nails without the need for 100% acetone. Experiment with different techniques to find the one that works best for you. With patience and care, you can achieve beautiful, healthy nails even after removing acrylics.